2016-07 校友通訊

14 7 月, 2016 No Comments



1.       2016年華運會圓滿落幕

今年華運會已於上週日在Cupertino High School圓滿落幕,政大代表隊在拔河、個人短跑、個人長跑、跳遠、鉛球、四人接力、大隊接力…等比賽項目,皆有佳績。感謝姜鎂玲學姐和蔡朝玲學姐的事前籌備,以及理事團隊和政大校友們的踴躍參與,更感謝李學英學長、洪讀學長、陳子明學長、陳萍學姐…等前會長特地到場為政大選手們加油,以及吳美利學姐親手製作的紅豆年糕,因為有眾多政大校友們的齊心支持,才能夠讓所有參與的校友及校友的親友們,度過一個美好的週日,也讓政大在華運會中獲得佳績,再次感謝所有人!

若當日參與的校友們欲分享您的照片,請將照片提供予網路組組長   謝蔚錚  miso.hsieh@gmail.com,我們會彙整之後上傳至校友會官網。

2.     展卷社活動  #41專書討論 David and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell
Date: 7/23/2016 (Saturday)
Time: 2:00 – 4:30pm
Place: Millbrae Public Library (1 Library Ave., Millbrae, 650-697-7607)
Host: 李念慈 (Julian Lee)
Facilitator: 張静如 (Hester Wei)


For 3000 years, the story of David and Goliath has seeped into our consciousness. A young shepherd does battle with a giant warrior and, using nothing but a slingshot, comes out victorious. But is this really an underdog story of beating the odds?  Malcolm Gladwell challenges how we think about obstacles and disadvantages in his latest book, “David and Goliath”.  Mr. Gladwell is the author of five New York Time Best Seller books: The Tipping Point (2000), Blink (2005), Outliers (2008), What the Dog Saw (2009), and David and Goliath (2013).  His counterintuitive arguments have often drawn us into seeing the world very differently.

3.     大專校聯會勞工節太浩湖活動開始接受報名

2016 勞工假期,歡聚太浩湖;湖光山色,闔家任遨遊 (Labor Day Lake Tahoe Summer Camp)


★ 另外有環湖遊輪活動 需事先登記另外付費。

(請留意後續詳細通告), 圖片参考介绍及報名表索取:WWW. JAACUC.NET

日期: 9 3 (Saturday) 9 5 (Monday)

地點:Beach Retreat & Lodge at Tahoe, 3411 Lake Tahoe Blvd, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150,    Phone: 800-916- 4339   http://www.tahoebeachretreat.com/

費用:包三天二夜住宿,94 日早餐及晚餐,Ballroom聯歡晚會及活動

A) 兩人一房:大人每人 $270,小孩(3-12歲)每人 $255

B) 三人一房:大人每人 $200,小孩(3-12歲)每人 $185

C) 四人一房:大人每人 $160,小孩(3-12歲)每人 $145


報名日期:即日起至8 3日截止。名額有限,額滿截止 (725日前收到支票者,優先分配房間),報名表請參考附檔。


 詳情請聯絡: 潘海倫 Helen Liu, 510-449- 1149, hliu@interorealestate.com, 宋貞 Janice Sung, 408-772- 2920, chen_sung@hotmail.com, 曾麗香 Lisa Hsu, 650-492- 1169, lisahsu69@gmail.com, (JAACUC e-mail address: jaacuc@gmail.com)

4.     人求事,事求人


(1)   2005年心理系楊明憲

【期望職缺】 Human Resources Business Development相關工作

【聯絡方式】ymh.twn@gmail.com  ( 510) 332-2780


– I have 4 years HR consultant & 1.5 year enterprise Trainer experience in Taiwan, both of my former employers are multinational company.

– I got my Entrepreneurship & Marketing certification from UC Berkeley Extension.

– I have master degree in Human Resources Development in National Taiwan Normal University (台灣師大)

– I have bachelor degree in Psychology in National Cheng-Chi University

(2)   2011年企管系林映辰

【期望職缺】Marketing/PM/Business Development的職缺或Internet/IT產業的工作機會



目前在念Hult MBA,之前在波士頓五月轉到舊金山校區,剛到這裡不久很開心遇到很多政大的學長姐們,過去做過Marketing/PM/Consulting相關工作,產業主要是Internet/IT

(3)   2005年國貿系/2008年國貿所 Hsin Kuan

【期望職缺】科技公司的Corporate Finance相關工作



I just graduated from full time MBA program at Marshall School of Business in USC. Now a contractor in Customer Experience Strategy and Analytics team at Adobe. I interned at Autodesk in Sales Finance team. I worked on Commissions Cost Modelling for the summer. Before coming back to school, I was a financial specialist in Taiwan’s major commercial bank. I rotated in three different positions-Trade Financial Officer, Project Manager and Credit Analyst, and worked in Taiwan and Hong Kong. I am seeking opportunities in Corporate Finance in Technology industry.

(4)   2013年經濟系 Ying-Ting (Elena) Wang

【期望職缺】Supply Chain Coordinator, Procurement Assistant, Inventory Analyst, Demand/ Supply Planner 或任何供應鏈相關工作

【聯絡方式】yingting1102@gmail.com (213) 448-2567


My name is Ying-Ting (Elena) Wang. I am an ambitious new grad mastering in Global Supply Chain Management at the University of Southern California. I’m currently seeking full time job opportunity in supply chain field in Bay Area. Beyond my time at school, I have had experience including but not limit to operation management, supply chain management, demand/ supply forecasting, data analysis, freight forwarding process, customs clearance procedure, event planning, business analytics and lean six sigma application.

5.      北加州政大校友會2016年年費

感謝這一年來校友們鼎力支持或參與校友會舉辦的各項活動,至今已有超過160位校友及配偶或校友之友繳交2016年費, 理事會非常感恩。$20年費支票,抬頭請寫 NCUAA-NC,寄給副會長 姜鎂玲 1177 Candlelight Way, Cupertino, CA 95014,敬請備註您的中文姓名、英文姓名、畢業系所、 畢業年份及Email 地址。去年出版的通訊錄也將在校友會舉辦活動時發放給已繳會費的校友們,請向會長沈婉婷或前會長陳萍領取。







理事會成員: 戴元瑋 、殷 璂、張惠梅、鄒宗華、黃士旗、謝蔚錚、章蓓蓓、孫德璟、楊昌珉、 曾景琳、張介陽、楊士緯、周小梅、王聖傑、郭于菱、謝昌樺、何 琪、林 慧、徐雪雲、杜麗芳、延莎莉、蔡朝玲


健行社社長 : 李仁龍

展卷社社長 : 王聖傑

編輯顧問 : 田世善

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